Monday, April 12, 2010

ICEP Brunei - Brunei Jungle Training


The ICEP Brunei - Brnuei Jungle Training is open for application, if you are interested, please approach Mr Lee or me to get the application forms. Alternatively you can obtain the forms from the NCC website,

The Internation Cadet Exchange Programme(ICEP) has a new trip to Brunei.
It is the Brunei Jungle Training from 15 to 24 Jun 2010 (tentative)

This trip is open to Part Cs and above cadets. I highly recommend the Part Cs to apply for it.

Some highlights of the trip:

1. Briefing on Training Facilities in Brunei.
The NCC delegation will be briefed on the rationale of SAF overseas training needs and the type of training opportunities in Brunei.

2. Cadet Exchange with Brunei Cadet Force.
The NCC Delegation will participate in a Cadet Exchange/Jungle Familiarization Programme with the Brunei Cadets.
This annual exchange will foster our warm ties established over the years.

Completed application forms (with a photocopy of the passport showing both the date of issue and expiry) are
to be submitted to the respective District Commanders by 3 May 10 for compilation.
Late or incomplete submissions will not be entertained.

Only short-listed Teacher-Officers, Cadet Officers and cadets are to attend
an interview panel chaired by Commandant NCC or HTM on 13 May 10, 1500 hr at NCC Council Room, NCC Campus.

HQ NCC will only select 2 Teacher-Officer and 10 Cadet Officers/Cadets for the Exchange Programme.

You will be awarded with the ICEP and the Jungle Training Badge if you are selected and completed the training.

For the Part Cs who are interested, please complete the forms and submit it to Mr Lee, few days earlier before the HQ dateline.

Best regards,
C/2LT Zhan Quan

Friday, March 19, 2010

ICEP USA & Basic Airborne Course


The following course/trip is open for application, if you are interested, please approach Mr Lee or me to get the application forms. Alternatively you can obtain the forms from the NCC website,

2. Basic Airborne Course


HQ NCC will be sending a Singapore NCC delegation comprising of two NCC Teacher Officers and 12 Cadet Officers and cadets to participate in the Exchange Programme at AFJROTC in The Citadel, USA from 11 to 21 Jun 10 (tentative).

All completed application forms (with a photocopy of the passport showing both the date of issue and expiry) are to be submitted to the respective District Commanders by 9 Apr 10 for compilation. Late or incomplete submissions will not be entertained.

Only short-listed Teacher-Officers, Cadet Officers and cadets are to attend an interview panel chaired by Commandant NCC or HTM on 16 Apr 10, 1500 hr at NCC Council Room, NCC Campus.

For this trip, Part C and above cadets are eligible to apply.

Basic Airborne Course

The Basic Airborne Course will be conducted from 3 Jun at 0730 hrs to 25 Jun 10 at 1700 hrs, inclusive of preparatory ground training and parachute descent.


Interested NCC Teacher Officers and Cadets who wish to attend the Course must satisfy the following pre-requisites:

a. Must have parental consent (for Cadets only)
b. Must be at least 16 years old on 3 Jun 2010.
c. Must have completed at least Sec 3 education.
d. Must have a minimal medical requirement of medical PES B.
e. Must have a minimum weight of 42 kg. (This is the minimum weight required to activate the parachute)

Those who do not meet the age or the above requirement will not be considered for the course.


The selection tests will be conducted on the following dates:

The preliminary selection test will be conducted at HQ NCC, Amoy Quee Campus Multi-Purpose Hall on 28 April 10 at 1500 hrs.

The selection test will be conducted at PTW, SOTSC, Hendon Camp, Changi. The date for this test will be made known on 28 Apr 10.

Selection Test Standards

1. 30 push-ups within 1 min.
2. 30 sit-ups within 1 min.
3. 08 chin-ups.
4. 2.4 km run in SAF No. 4 within 12 min 30 sec.

All fully completed application forms (with parental consent cadets) are to reach 2LT Lim Chong Sheng, Staff Officer (Trg), Training Branch, HQ NCC by 17 April 2010. Late applications or incomplete forms will not be considered for the course.

C/2LT Lim Zhan Quan

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Part C SAR21 Live Range Reminder

To those Part Cs who have been selected for this thursday's SAR21 Live Range.

Do take note that you are to report in your full No.4 uniform.

Failure to do so, you won't be able to participate in the Live Range.

Please purchase your personal earplugs at any pharmacy(Watson/Guardian) or army shop, unless you want to share earplugs with others.

Bear in mind the 5 Marksmanship fundamentals and apply it during the shoot:

H- Holding (Tug in the rifle butt into your shoulder hollow part, support your rifle using your elbows[bones, not muscles])

A- Aiming (Head position, sight alignment)

B- Breathing (Hold your breath while preparing to squeeze the trigger)

I- Eyeing (Relaxation, resting your aiming eye)

T- Triggering (Squeezing the trigger using middle joint of your finger)

Please treat this Live Range seriously, as it is a component for Best Unit Competition, it take up 6% and bonus points will be given for passes and marksman.

If you are still in doubt, feel free to approach any of your seniors, they will be able to give tips. Otherwise, you can contact me for further enquires.

Good luck and all the best!

C/2LT Lim Zhan Quan

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

NCC Weekly Training: 26thFebruary 10’
Reporting Time:
2.30 pm
Reporting Venue:STUDY CORNER LEVEL 1

Items to Bring:
1. A 1.5 LITRE water bottle.
2. No.4 Uniform with beret.
Stationary (Pen & Paper)
*4. BNSS NCC White T-Shirt for Part B,C,D5.Part C- Bring along Sequence of Instruction for Mutuals

*Please Take Note! *
1. Attendance for this week's training is Compulsory,
2. All cadets are required to trim their hair and cut it short to acceptable length. Those who fail to do so, will be punished.

*3. For ALL cadets,
as this week will include NCC PHOTO-TAKING,
Report in your No. 4 Uniform WITH BADGES
and check your attire & bearing before the start of training.
Reminder: Please put on badges on your uniform before coming to training

4. Bearing must be up to standard.
5. All (Items To Bring) stated above are compulsory for all.

*6. For Sec 1 STUDENTS,
Non-Muslims Sec 1 Cadets:
please report at 1.30pm as full No.4 Camouflage Uniform will be issued and has to be put on for NCC PHOTO-TAKING.
-Muslim Sec 1 cadets report at 2.00pm

7. Part Ds on duty please report early as well

Sunday, February 21, 2010

List of Try-Out Posts for Part C cadets

Date of Friday Training: 26 Feb 2010

Posts - Acting I/C
Unit Sergeant Major - CPL Shukri
Assistant Unit Sergeant Major - CPL Chun Weng
Part B I/C - CPL Anis
Part C I/C - CPL Sabil
Part D I/C - CPL Ting Swan

Flag I/C - CPL Yusuf
Flag 2I/C - CPL Lutfi

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

List of Try-Out Posts for Part C cadets

Date of Friday Training: 19 Feb 2010

Posts - Acting I/C

Unit Sergeant Major - CPL Tian Cheng
Assistant Unit Sergeant Major - CPL Jeremy
Part B I/C - CPL Jing Dan
Part C I/C - CPL Cedric
Part D I/C - CPL Chun Weng

Flag I/C - CPL Yusuf
Flag 2I/C - CPL Lutfi
NCC Weekly Training: 19thFebruary 10’

Reporting Time:
2.30 pm
Reporting Venue:STUDY CORNER LEVEL 1
Items to Bring:

1. A 1.5 LITRE water bottle.
2. No.4 Uniform with beret.
Stationary (Pen & Paper)
*4. BNSS NCC White T-Shirt for Part B,C,D
*Part C- Bring along Sequence of Instruction for Mutuals

-Report in School P.E Attire(P.E Shorts and Shirt)

*Please Take Note! *

1. Attendance for this week's training is Compulsory,
2. All cadets are required to trim their hair and cut it short to acceptable length. Those who fail to do so, will be punished.
3. Report in your No. 4 Uniform and check your attire & bearing before the start of training. 4. Bearing must be up to standard.
5. All (Items To Bring) stated above are compulsory for all.

6. For those involved in Freestyle Drill Competition on Saturday,
Please report in normal Full No.4 Uniform
but use your 2nd set of uniform for Friday’s Training.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Freestyle Drill Competition - Bearing & Attire Check Questions

To all Freestyle Drill Competition participants.

As you all know there will be question posted by Sergeant Major NCC during your Bearing & Attire Inspection.

Below are the possible questions of general topics, with answers:

1. Who is the Commandant of NCC?
Ans: LTC Adrian Koh

2. Who is our District Commander?
Ans: Major(NCC) James Foo

3. NCC is celebrating which anniversary this year?
Ans: 109th Anniversary

4. What is the muzzle velocity of a M16S1(AR15) rifle?
Ans: 990m/s

5. What is the weight of a M16S1(AR15) rifle?
Ans: 2.85kg (without magazine), 3.60kg (with a fully loaded 30 rounds box magazine).

6. What are the NCC Core Values?
Ans: Loyalty to country, Uprightness, Leadership, Discipline, Commitment & Responsibility, Care for fellow cadets, Adventurous Spirit.

7. How many different types of uniform are there in the NCC?
Ans: No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4, No.5T, No.5J

8. What does USM stands for?
Ans: Unit Sergeant Major

9. What is the calibre of the rounds used in M16S1(AR15)?
Ans: 5.56MM

10. Name one of the overseas trips available in NCC
Ans: India Desert Trekking - others are for example, Mount Ophir Expedition, Exercise Thunder Warrior (New Zealand)

11. How many districts are there in NCC?
Ans: 5 (Central, East, West, Air, Sea)

12. The first Girls’ Unit formed
Ans: Raffles Girls’ School (First Boys’ Unit, Raffles Institution)

13. The highest rank a Cadet can attain.
Ans: Master Sergeant (For Cadet Officers, Cadet Captain[C/CPT], For NCC Officers, Lieutenant Colonel)

14. What is the Sequence of Target Indication?
Ans: G-I-R-L (Group, Indication, Range, Location)

15. The two methods of Judging Distances are?
Ans: Unit of measure (Thumbnail method) & Halving method

16. Where is HQ NCC Campus located?
Ans: Amoy Quee Camp, Ang Mo Kio Street 66.

17. Who is the Chairman of NCC Council?
Ans: Doctor Arthur Beng

18. What is length of a M16S1 (AR15) Rifle?
Ans: 0.999 metres

19. What is the year when Freestyle Drill started in NCC?
Ans: 2007

20. How do a NCC cadet attain a rank of Staff Sergeant?
Ans: By attending and passing out from the Cadet Senior Specialist Course.

updated as of 18 Feb, 1750hrs

Alternatively, please visit the newly revamped NCC Official website for more NCC related information (etc, history of NCC, courses conducted, major events, other general info)

I will keep on updating to the pool of possible questions here. So visit the blog often and spread
the word around.

Please approach your FSD I/C, CPL Iskandar or CPL Jeremy Chew for the questions that you would like to know and I will be try my best to answer them.

All the best!

C/2LT Zhan Quan

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

NCC Weekly Training: 5th February 10’

Reporting Time:
2.30 pm

Reporting Venue:STUDY CORNER LEVEL 1

Items to Bring:

1. A 1.5 LITRE water bottle.
2. No.4 Uniform with beret.
Stationary (Pen & Paper)
*4. BNSS NCC White T-Shirt for Part B,C,D
-Report in School P.E Attire(P.E Shorts and Shirt)

*Please Take Note! *

1. Attendance for this week's training is Compulsory,
2. All cadets are required to trim their hair and cut it short to acceptable length. Those who fail to do so, will be punished.
3. Report in your No. 4 Uniform and check your attire & bearing before the start of training. 4. Bearing must be up to standard.
5. All (Items To Bring) stated above are compulsory for all.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

NCC Weekly Training: 29thJanuary 10’

Reporting Time:
2.30 pm

Reporting Venue:

Items to Bring:

1. A 1.5 LITRE water bottle.
2. No.4 Uniform with beret.
3. Stationary (Pen & Paper)
*4. BNSS NCC White T-Shirt for Part B,C,D

*5.Please bring along your Jockey Cap and an extra pair of Army Pants for Part B,C

-Report in School P.E Attire(P.E Shorts and Shirt)
-Bring along the 2 FORMS, Particular & Acknowledgement Form, to be submitted for those who haven’t done so

7. There will be an Mini Inter-part Competition this week

*Please Take Note! *

1. Attendance for this week's training is Compulsory,
2. All cadets are required to trim their hair and cut it short to acceptable length. Those who fail to do so, will be punished.
3. Report in your No. 4 Uniform and check your attire & bearing before the start of training.
4. Bearing must be up to standard.
5. All (Items To Bring) stated above are compulsory for all.

*From now on, on Fridays whereby there is training, NCC Room are opened for cadets to put their bags in the morning from 6.45am onwards.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

NCC Weekly Training: 22ndJanuary 10’

Reporting Time:
2.30 pm

Reporting Venue:


Items to Bring:

1. A 1.5 LITRE water bottle.
2. No.4 Uniform with beret.
3. Stationary (Pen & Paper)

*4. BNSS NCC White T-Shirt for Part B,C,D(Sec 2,3,4)

-Report in School P.E Attire(P.E Shorts and Shirt)
-Bring along the 2 FORMS, Particular & Acknowledgement Form, to be submitted.

*Please Take Note! *

1. Attendance for this week's training is Compulsory,
2. All cadets are required to trim their hair and cut it short to acceptable length. Those who fail to do so, will be punished.
3. Report in your No. 4 Uniform and check your attire & bearing before the start of training.
4. Bearing must be up to standard.
5. All (Items To Bring) stated above are compulsory for all.

Thanks, Saiful

Sunday, January 17, 2010

NCC Songs & Cheers Lyrics

Hi everyone,

As I mentioned on last friday. Please memorise atleast one NCC/Army song by heart.
I will randomly pick anyone to lead a song during the PT run.

Don't forget to bring your BNSS NCC unit shirt for PT (Part Cs PT attire changed to BNSS NCC Unit shirt) and your 1.5 L water bottle (compulsory for all)

Below is the link to download the NCC Songs & Cheers Lyrics:


1. Those who haven't pay up for the BNSS NCC unit shirt ($10), please pass the money to your Part I/C on friday.

2.Freestyle Drill cadets who performed during CCA Open House and have yet to return your gloves, please wash and return it to your Part I/C on friday.

3. All cadets and specialists are to bring a Notebook of any size for every NCC training.
For cadets it is meant for you to write down notes during any lessons.

C/2LT Zhan Quan

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


TIME: 2.15pm to 4.45pm

Wednesday 13 Jan
Monday 18 Jan
Wednesday 20 Jan
Monday 25 Jan
Wednesday 27 Jan
Monday 1 Feb
Wednesday 3 Feb
Monday 8 Feb
Wednesday 10 Feb
Monday 15 Feb
Wednesday 17 Feb
Monday 18 Feb
Wednesday 3 Feb

This notice is also available in the NCC school notice board.

SSG Saiful

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Upcoming Freestyle Competition


I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate these cadets for being selected to represent the school for the NCC Freestyle Competition that will be held on February 20th in HQ NCC.

I/C: Jeremy

Part B:

Part C:

Just as a reminder to these cadets, as well as other NCC cadets, all notices and updates for trainings will be posted here or the NCC notice board. No announcements through morning assembly will be made.

SSG Saiful