To all cadets who are participating in the NCC Marching contingent for BNSS NDP.
You are reminded to turn up for this final rehearsal on 3rd Aug, 3pm. (Report earlier at 2.45pm to change to your Half No.4)
Warning: Do not put on your Half-No.4 at home and wear it to school, you are not allowed to be in Half-No.4 in the public!
Failure to turn up for this rehearsal will result in you being removed from the contingent or whichever appointment you are holding in the parade.
Take note that you are to report in Half No.4 (Beret, NCC Shirt, No.4 Trousers and boots).
Please darken your boots and it will be value-added for you if you would want to polish it for the parade on next friday.
Some key points to take note during the parade.
1. When marching in/out ensure that you check your dressing.
2. Swing your arms 90 degrees front(shoulder level), 45 degrees back.
3. When mark time(hentak kaki), make sure you raise your boots 90 degrees up and refrain from shifting forward.
4. When taking dressing (ke-kanan lurus), shuffle your feet, do not turn your body and open your feet wide.
5. When standing at attention or at ease, always look up and maintain the ''stomach in, chest out'' posture.
6. Please knee down to indicate that you are not feeling well and would like to fall out.
7. While marching out, look out for the arrow heads(markings) for turning.
8. Turn & wheel as a FILE(Right/Center/Left man), all the extreme right man watch out for the markings.
8. For eyes right(Pandang Ke-Kanan) TURN your head 90 degrees to your right. (Do not tilt your head up)[First man on the extreme right do not turn your head at all.]
Lastly, stay alert and hear for the commands.
Enjoy the band music and march with pride as you are marching for NCC and for the school.
All the best and good luck for the PART As and Bs who are performing in NDP@Floating Platform.

You are reminded to turn up for this final rehearsal on 3rd Aug, 3pm. (Report earlier at 2.45pm to change to your Half No.4)
Warning: Do not put on your Half-No.4 at home and wear it to school, you are not allowed to be in Half-No.4 in the public!
Failure to turn up for this rehearsal will result in you being removed from the contingent or whichever appointment you are holding in the parade.
Take note that you are to report in Half No.4 (Beret, NCC Shirt, No.4 Trousers and boots).
Please darken your boots and it will be value-added for you if you would want to polish it for the parade on next friday.
Some key points to take note during the parade.
1. When marching in/out ensure that you check your dressing.
2. Swing your arms 90 degrees front(shoulder level), 45 degrees back.
3. When mark time(hentak kaki), make sure you raise your boots 90 degrees up and refrain from shifting forward.
4. When taking dressing (ke-kanan lurus), shuffle your feet, do not turn your body and open your feet wide.
5. When standing at attention or at ease, always look up and maintain the ''stomach in, chest out'' posture.
6. Please knee down to indicate that you are not feeling well and would like to fall out.
7. While marching out, look out for the arrow heads(markings) for turning.
8. Turn & wheel as a FILE(Right/Center/Left man), all the extreme right man watch out for the markings.
8. For eyes right(Pandang Ke-Kanan) TURN your head 90 degrees to your right. (Do not tilt your head up)[First man on the extreme right do not turn your head at all.]
Lastly, stay alert and hear for the commands.
Enjoy the band music and march with pride as you are marching for NCC and for the school.
All the best and good luck for the PART As and Bs who are performing in NDP@Floating Platform.
Have a great weekend.
C/2LT Zhan Quan
C/2LT Zhan Quan
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